In 1997, LCDR Robert N. Geis happened to spot a Swift Boat (Patrol Craft Fast) in a salvage yard at the Naval Submarine Base
in Bangor, Washington. He recognized the boat as the same type his father, LCDR Neil Geis, had served with in the late 1960's
on the staff of Coastal Squadron One. In talks with local salvage people, it was learned that the craft had not been disposed
of because it was felt the boat might be useful to some veteran's group. In order to gain time pending disposition, they had
purposedly left blank appropriate entries in the paper work indicating the value of the craft. This delayed further processing
of approvals. Within two weeks, Neil Geis had pictures taken of the find for use during efforts to obtain possession of the
craft. |

The Swift Boat found in Bangor salvage yard |

Crew that delayed the boat being scrapped |